Month: December 2018

The Painting

The hours passed and the painting I was creating on the board became more and more sad looking, to the point it became… well how should I say, kind of hideous. The portrait of Dorian Gray couldn’t have looked more horrifying.

The Lady in Grey

One of the stranger things I noticed as I thought about it later is that no one on the busy street so much as turned their heads to look at her as they passed by

Night Terrors

She was looking at the end of the bed and wringing her hands uncontrollably, almost in a jerky manner like she was trying to get something off them. My first thought was that she was having a nightmare and that I need to wake her up.

Ghostly Lessons from the Other Side

It appeared to be a large human form with outstretched arms that looked like they were about to wrap themselves around to grab me! Then I heard the footsteps, close and directly behind me. Footfall sounds that should not be there; I knew what it was and why it was following us.

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